
I'm passionate about technology in general and programming. My first introduction to computers was in my junior year of High School when my parents got us Sinclair ZX Spectrum 128K.

Sinclair ZX Spectrum 128K

While I primarily used it for playing games, I did get to code simple BASIC programs. Never did I imagine then it would end up as a Software Engineer. I went on to finish my Masters (Computer Applications) and over the years I've worked with multitude of technologies, languages, frameworks and tools.

As I start on a new journey of blogging my thoughts, I was contemplating where should I start. My interests are (in no particular order).

  • Design Patterns / Architecture
  • Languages
  • Cloud
  • Data Analytics
  • Data Science

I plan to keep this blog more technical but once in a while I might post something non-technical.

So stay tuned and enjoy reading !!!!

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See also